

The other side of me

I may seem a girl
With a heart full of
Love, she smiles and laughs,
Her eyes see beauty in
Things, she loves people
She dreams, she explores
She loves to be

She has a heart full
Of love people say,
She is happy so she
smiles, but at night
She stands in front of
Her mirror with tears in
Her eyes.

You only see her smile
And strength and things
She believes in,
But you don't know
The other side of her,
She is hard to love,
She cries at night
She is a lonely soul
With a painted smile

She fears herself
And she don't want
To love, she hates love
she doesn't want to dream
Dream makes us believe
She wants to be left alone,
Without people,
It will be just her
Tears and unsaid feelings
That weigh a little too much

She wants to be herself,
She doesn't want to be in
A world in which she is
tired to fit in.

She wants to be left
Alone, each night
She bleeds on paper
Her eyes a little bit
Too dark, her shadows
haunt she cries as her
Tears go unnoticed.
She wants to live
For herself, but this
World had made her
To live her for their dreams
She doesn't hope
She has forgotten to dream
All she does is exist.

© alpha Stella