

"Verses of Love: Atool and Chaedam."

In a world where words weave dreams,
Atool, the poem lover, beams,
With every verse, his heart does flutter,
In the realm of poems, he finds no clutter.

Chaedam, the writer, with pen in hand,
Crafts stories like castles in the sand,
Her words, a symphony, so pure and bright,
In her lines, Atool finds his light.

One day, their paths crossed like fate,
In a library, near the old iron gate,
Atool read aloud with passion and grace,
Chaedam watched, a smile on her face.

Their eyes met, and sparks did ignite,
In the world of poems, they took flight,
Together they wrote, their hearts in sync,
In love and verses, they found the link.

Atool and Chaedam, now lovers true,
In every stanza, their love grew,
With every poem, their bond did strengthen,
In the world of words, their love did lengthen.

Forever entwined in poetic embrace,
Atool and Chaedam, love found its place,
In every rhyme, in every line,
Their love story, forever divine.
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