

To The Heaven

Why is this confusion to me?
Just clarify me,my God.
People who could give me answers
Keep silence.
Do they think I'm useless?

I have to say something to them,
You enjoy every relations in your life. 
As a human,
I too have some wishes,
To enjoy every moments,
With my lovable ones.
You neglect me,
That's  the  worst moment in my life,
Despite knowing my wounded life.

Oh my God!
Only you can give me medicine or 
the courage to forget them
And my past life.
In my journey of life,
I felt pain of hurdles,
That too in this early age.

Are you there God?
Why is this enemity to me?
Whom did you send to help me?
I lost interest to live,God
I beg you,
To take me away,
With you,
To the heaven of joy.

                               - A.G. Aishwarya

© A.G.Aishwarya