

merely a mistake
sit down it's ok
I see there's broken glass
youve made a mess
it's merely a mistake
I see that you were brash and brazen
stuck in your own selfish ways
it's ok
it was merely a mistake

I see you've had your head down
weren't watching were you step
and upon such you broke a butterflies neck
and ruined little ones chalk drawing
you messed up summer fun
but it's ok
what's done is done
and it's ok
no need to feel dumb
grab a new canvas and try a new medium
it's ok when you mess up with paint
it was merely a mistake

I see youve raised your voice
and broke a heart today
it seems youve caused a lot of pain
but it's ok we are all just grains
it was merely a mistake

I see you lied
tried to get what caught your eye
weak mind builds a weak plan
and then you failed and lost a friend
don't worry about the mend
it was merely a mistake
there are more to come before the end

I see you fretting
little friend
please sit down
hear me
I must defend
it's ok
it was merely a mistake

© Jada E. Clark