

call me the dirty laundry, the deity I gotta be, kick me when I'm up kick me when I'm down I slit my wrists XII times not once did I succeed , there's always someone there that claims they care but I just want to bleeeeed!!! my suicidal visions have 13 incisions in me good decisions by me so stupid me carved into my arm, the ambitious me so vicious you can smell the blood sacreligious it's delicious this is how I see it gives me visions of me with no vitals hospital bound predictable typical me medical procedures practically giving me opportunity to relapse just keep feeding these demons inside of me bleeding me while fully knowing there is no controlling me or even slowing me to achieve the only goal set by me -D-I-E-
undo existestence and reverse reality wipe it WIPE IT ALL clean and comically create a cosmology for all to see call it don't bother me and be the deadbeat father God was to me me and set the fallen free let the angels war in me heaven in my mind it all was me I'm the one all who keep calling me must first follow me jack o lantern candle burning in hollow me in misery I keep wallowing I dressed as me on Halloween because that's the team just me being me and all I can be is also all I can see the alphabet A B C'ing me you will all be seeing me become the ONLY monotheistic deity apotheosis spiritually freeing me from eternally being me awareness of the cleaning was the definition of the meaning of life which was the point of the knife that ended up killing me.