

Monkey See, Monkey Do
In a jungle green and wide,
Where the trees and vines reside,
Lived a monkey, frisky and free,
Mimicking all that he sees.

If a bird sang a sweet tune,
Monkey'd croon beneath the moon.
If a tiger proudly took a stride,
Monkey'd march right by its side.

Swinging, leaping, copying all,
From the big things to the small.
Monkey see and monkey do,
Every action, he'd soon pursue.

One day, an enlightened wise old ape,
Showed him how to peel a grape.
Monkey watched and then he tried,
Proudly grinning, far and wide.

Though the mimicry was fun,
Monkey learned as each day spun.
Cause in every act he traced,
Skills and wisdom too, he well embraced.

So while the saying may seem light,
Monkey see, monkey do, that's right.
But in each mimic, there's a spark,
Of learning, growth, and a brand-new start!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo