

Estrela Da Noite
The moon is so pretty, I’ll willingly stare into its gaze as long as it shines. You’re magical, you charge the waters with your empyrean energies. I call you Selene, the Greek language is a beautiful way to address you. You’re so pretty in them all, no language can define your radiance.

Kind and serene, you reflect onto the pristine selenite. I hold your preciousness in a crystal, so alienated by purest senses. It makes me feel safe to cherish the rock as if it was you, my gorgeous moon.

You’re adored by all but nobody could ever see you like I do. I stare at you as the night passes, an ethereal voice you would have. I wish you could sing too, the angels would only sing at your accords.

You cause all miracles, you’re the sweetest soul but captivated by the cruel spinning sky. If only night could last an eternity, how beneficial it can be in your presence. No longer is my mind broken, you possessed these criminal thoughts and replaced them with your angelic songs.

A sense of sophistry becomes stupid in your starlight. You’re a star to me, the best of them all. No sun could match your everlasting gaze, you’re hauntingly perfect. I feel perfect with you, precious.

© Sincerely, ♡