

Kepler 22b

What will become of us
Mankind that is
What’s coming next
World war 3
The precipice it beckons
Blindfolded lemmings
In a rush to the edge
The tension it’s killing me
We’ll know soon enough
Baba Vanga predicts 2024
Mother Nature razing the ground
The Mississippi changing its course
This among other things
Are we too
To be lost to the storm
Spinning like a top
My head in a whirl
Common sense
The horse has already bolted
It just walked out the door
Liberty lost on the meek
Watered down whiskey
Sold to the unrefined
So desensitised they sip it
Like a Yamazaki single-malt
Who knows the difference anyway
Lab meat the new home grow
Chemicals replacing nature’s vitamins
What’s a body and mind to do
Self-denial is the new norm
Self-belief gone with the wind
Keep them soft and malleable
The pineal gland calcified
Tap water fluorified
They can’t have us thinking for ourselves
Free thought is now a crime
Carbon dioxide the enemy don’t breath
And carbon capture the new monopoly
The Science brought and paid for
Government governed by big Pharma
Follow the money and see who pays
Mass stupidity the new Vietnam
Incompetence on a global scale
It’s so fucked up
I am starting to question myself
Mathematics crucified
Where is the army of lovers
Who exactly is running this shit show
Who is the WHO or the WEF
Acronyms pulling the strings
And what is the real agenda
What is their endgame
Or is this endgame
Actually the End
Me I’m just about done
Book me a ticket to

the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™ ✍️

© All Rights Reserved

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