

No, it's not my real name

walking in the city
Some eyes on me , it's curiousty
thinking about you, people who was my bunch
now, you're nothing,ashes,dust, something that ache

You call me Friend
to gain my trust in the end
but it's not my real name

You call me homie
to gain my money
but it's not my real name

You call me genius
to gain my plans ,my focus
but it's not my real name

You call me stupid
to avoid me,it was lucid
but it's not my real name

You call me loser
You call me tricky
You call me problem-solver
You call me cry-baby

but all of these are not my real name
You enjoy giving me the identity you want

Not my real name
Not my real name

You thought i hide under masks as you do

Not my real face
Not my real acts

Stop pretending you know me well
Even my shadows ignore my intentions

walking in the city
mask on my face
Only one sentence written on it:
"not brain washed"

walking in the city
all eyes on my mask
it's such a petty
to see everyone under control from the dark

i've cut that stupid links
between me and them
now free from the fate of sink
i live for others, without a single name

my real name is..
just under my mask
you're curious to know what's it, no?
get closer,my name will change your entire life
when you'll see world as you should
you'll read my names between clouds
it's not a secret but you can't
get it now with your wached-brain
i can't risk them finding me
if you don't change and work with them

walking in the city
searching for a new target
now it's only you and me
listen carefully,this is my real name

© Recker_The_Ghost