

Will To Create Future
In the realm of choices, vast and free,
Where dreams and shadows intertwine,
We wield the power, you and me,
To carve a path, a fate divine.

With every step, with every breath,
The future bends to our command,
No chains of fate, no scripted death,
Just endless sea and open land.

Our will, a compass through the night,
Guides us where we yearn to be,
No distant stars that fix our sight,
But hearts that dream of destiny.

In moments small, in grand design,
We shape the world, both near and far,
A tapestry where threads combine,
To show the soul, just who we are.

So let us forge with hands and heart,
A future bright, a tale anew,
For freewill's spark, a work of art,
Transforms the old, create Desired Destiny.