

Kin Against Kin
There's no greater battle than the battle of the family within,
When kin turns against kin, and the strife begins.
Words then wound deeper than any sword's might,
Turning love into darkness, and day into night.

At the table once warm with laughter and cheer,
Now silence sits heavy, with tension severe.
All the memories shared now shattered and torn,
In the heart of the home, where love once was sworn.

Even the eyes that once sparkled with familial pride,
Now glare with resentment, with no place to hide.
And the bonds that were built over years of embrace,
Now fragile and fractured, and lost in the space.

Left with the echo of anger, the sorrow, the pain,
In the hearts of the family, the tears fall like rain.
For there's no battle worse, no conflict so dire,
As the battle within, where love should inspire!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo