

My Femininity
I've never really felt comfortable
In my own femininity
I'd swing by the mirror
and stop to make fun of me

I'd rather drown in the
clothes that I'd wear
Let me pin a bun up
and tie my hair

I'd hide behind a glass wall
and mimic the girls I see
But I trip and fall
Hoping they wouldn't make fun of me

Years fly by
and I learn to let go
A glowing bulb is nigh
I don't fit in, this I know

So I gather in fields of peace
where flowers bloom and sing
But I feel the Loneliness
creep in and the pain it brings

It's then when I learned to fall
in love with Lonely
It's where I learned
to finally embrace me

It's where I discovered
My own version of being "girly"

© JKeMac