

Do you know what is it??
There is so much on my plate
But I am still not willing to move
I am tired of showing my worth
How many Times do I have to prove

So Many thoughts come at once
But then they Suddenly go away
A path filled with hopes calling me in
But it's too late to escape

I feel nothing but I wonder
What emotions are eating me up
Maybe I am not satisfied with my efforts
Or it could be my unrequited love

Maybe i Made myself this way
By pretending not to care
Even though I was too deep in it
Through every thick or thin layer

I find myself looking blank often
Pondering over what why and how
Mostly I close my eyes to feel the air passing by
Or I am trying to decode the shapes of cloud

I sit for hours observing a thing
I see messages and feel lazy to reply
I just don't know how to carry a conversation
I say I am busy ,I know I lie

A Strong force hardly seen,
pulling me apart
Countless Knives in the air,
going through my heart.

A sudden feeling of sadness
with the cause unknown
Hard to express and explain
but I feel it in my bone

I am afraid of feeling this way
like a stone on the road
Not moving an inch,
suffocating with my past load

What is it called
that I find hard to show
I am too clueless I guess
but I hope you know

© breeze_of_feb

#WritcoQuote #writco #sad #Love&love #Love&love💞 #poem #poetrycommunity #Heart #motivation #poetrycommunity