

Life is f*cking me in the ass
Can someone tell me
Why it's not getting any better?
I can't deal with this shit anymore.
I'm giving up.
I want to feel better
But not "I'm gonna kill myself tomorrow,
So let's act like my life is perfect,
Like I'm happy
Like I have a fucking will to live", better.
I really wanna enjoy life
I don't wanna just exist
I want to be happy,

"You're not skinny"
"You should lose some weight"
"For me, you're always be a girl".

So if I ever lose that battle that I've been fighting for the last couple years
Just remember,
That you were the reason I stayed here for a bit longer,
I think you should know,
That I was fighting for you.

poem i made like a week before my attempt that was about 6 months ago but sadly its still accurate

© a_lynwood