

A treasure trove
As you read through a well-kept book, you will come across some thoughtful sagas and fascinating trivia that will entirely feed your mind. Create a poem in response to this.

In pages old, where stories are told,
A treasure trove of tales unfold.
Each word a gem, each line a rhyme,
A journey through the sands of time.

In well-kept books, the wisdom sleeps,
In quiet corners, secrets keep.
From sagas grand to trivia rare,
A feast for minds that truly care.

Through dusty shelves and ancient tomes,
We wander in these hallowed domes.
A world of wonders, vast and deep,
Where dreams and fantasies freely creep.

So read on, dear friend, and you shall find,
A universe within your mind.
With every page, a new delight,
In the world of books, the future is bright.
© Santanu