

Life the poetry,poetry the life...
I can grab my pen and paper,and write till daylight
Drawing a legacy where my thoughts take flight
In poems,I could begin it my way and last my way
To start words straightly with my choice and to bend
In life,I can only begin the endless trials that might never end

Life makes me happy for the reason I exist
Though it has nothing in it but needs & twists
For poetry all I need is paper,pen & mood
Those who willingly left life didn't really want to
Life is a large cage none wants to escape
Where several poetic & non poetic poets are trapped
Through poetry,I can roar upto the sky no matter how much,I choose
In life, I am not less than a lioness in a zoo

As just a person I have to struggle with bones to get a place,peace of mind where lingers..
Through poems,building mountains on paper through soul and first three right hand fingers..
In life,I have to give more than I get..
Blood has to be rushed up and down & an emergence of sweat..
There are both good and bad in it,but here nothing is free
In poetry,with inmate verses I've to live,to feel released

Life is full of lies,pain,happiness,terror,love
Need something to rely on to live,to flap the wing
In poetry I am kite,has no fear of falling without sting
Life is complicated,tangled,a bunch of experiences that gave to bore
Poetry is a voice of heart that life keeps hidden
Poetry is beautiful & pure to the wound given by life,a cure
While life gives experience to write,through I can grab my pen & paper & write till daylight
There is no poetry if there's no life to live
Though for a poet in poetry a life could be
Life is something that we all poets and non poets embrace,for poets life & poetry both stand on same place
Though life is all though poetry is just a hobby.

*When a life ends it ends,when a poet ends poems take stand"

© @pain_riding_pen