


They fell from the sky.
leaving the earth with gentle kisses,
a symphony of nature's tears began its wishes.

The world transforming, as if in a dream.
A dance of droplets, painting a picture so serene.

Amid the rain,
I found my peace,
A reminder with each drop
Life's storm will cease.

The pulsation of sound,
the rain comes around,
Whispering secrets to everyone in town.
Raindrops on leaves,
Like birds in the trees.
A fragrance so divine,
Like a sip of fine wine.

I have found magic in every single drop,
An inspiration so dire it is always on top.
Unveiling emotions when stormy skies thrives,
It is just like a story that sprung alive.

The rain cleansed my soul,
the earth made me whole.
I can not believe that I found my voice,
It was only a matter of choice.

Let the rain pour and wash away the pain,
within new beginnings, it shall reign.

In this story of rain, let you imagination soar,
and now let the while world witness the beauty YOU adore.

© AnonFlutterShy