

Starlight Serenade
31 May 2024 at 11:51PM
1 Jun 2024 at 10:18AM

"The universe whispers secrets to those who listen." - @Zoraya57

"Moonlight is the gentle guide for our dreams." - @Zoraya57

In the celestial sea
Stars whisper secrets to me
Moonlight harmonizes

Angels drift on clouds
Stars shimmer in cosmic sea
Heaven's light guides us

Beneath the night sky,
Stars whisper secrets to me,
Captivated soul.

Moonlight softly sings
Nature's gentle symphony
Our dreams dance on

Fate intertwines hearts
Destiny, our true love's path
Revealed with each kiss

Appreciate your presence, readers, in Starlight Serenade!
© Ruth Hor

#haikus #quotes