

The love unspoken.

In the realms of
narrow hallways,
My heart beats
fast and
when our
eyes meet,
I saw stars,

you have the
whole universe
in you that
tapped to the
rhythm of your
spell, but the
moment I saw
you, it felt like
you were the
only star in
my galaxy.

Your smile felt
like spring that
can blooms love
into a million hearts
and I just fell for
you like the way
rain fell for
ocean, the moon
fell for sun
to see its warmth
that I found in you.

Although I know
that you're far,
But, I just want
you to know
that once upon a
time there was a
heart who had
loved you endless
only from a distant.

There was a soul
who had wished
upon the shooting
stars, there was a soul
who wished secretly
to be yours.

© alpha Stella