

untold Feelings
You are the one who said that you loved me first.
You promised to always be there until the end.
And then she came along your way, dear ex
Regardless of everything that went down between you and I, I realized that I was only considered a bestfriend.
The one who you would tell about everything you would do,
The one you shared your problems to.
That was the beginning of problems for us or should I say for me that day.
But how could you notice that she ws there to inflict pain all over again, (just not to you)
When you were too blinded by the love you claim to have for her to even have an idea of the heartbreak to me, you two would cause,
Of course
You were so deep into your love just as I was in too deep for you,
Something I thought I had,
My bad, because you later told me that she is the one you loved.
Was she even an ex in the first place?
Or where you people just taking a little break,?
And I was there to only be a bandage,
A bandage of the wounds she once caused.
Truth be told,
Once the use of a bandage is done,
It is disposable.
I guess I was there for you to heal on.
The pain you caused me is unimaginable.
It's a shame you always chose her over me everytime you had a chance to.
I hope that one day you'll come to realize that my love was genuine for you.
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