

Rest easy, my furry friend
A walk,
A walk was all it took
To see a smile from a protruding, pink tongue
Your brown eyes were the brightest I've ever seen. They danced in the light, widened when the signal came out — it's time to wonder about.

A walk,
Was all it took to bring sun to your day. It wasn't about what I could give. Nor did it lay on a fountain of fear, or your ability to trust that I'd still love
you, even when incessant nagging would induce headaches.

We made your day,
Cuddles from warm palms, with nicknames ringing in passages bouncing into floppy ears. It was the stalking about, click clack of nails
on tiles, a head on a lap, your love felt so warm.
From excursions and introductions to friends you'd come to know. You'd warm up and you'd let go. You accepted — you loved.
And all it took,
Was a walk

A walk to bring the brightest smile, to a loving being, a furry soul who dared to grace our home.
© JKeMac