

Bright Breathing Tube in the Sky
Stuff me
Stuff you
Stuff it all

Forget the drawings in my head
That brought me here
I don't want logic
I don't want reason
Or sad sappy sounds to play me out
The grisly crowds following me out
the tundra where I float
focus my pain
Inward to crying suction
inside dying wishes
aside frightening pyramids
Untuning the weeping savior

A lick of difference
A lick of sadness
Could maybe throw up
In your face
in the pond
Pronding, creeping
Criss Cross

Guilt from a thousand centuries
Fucking trying
Fucking Trying
Only something inside told me to let go of it
At the exact possible moment
I gave up
(The exact possible moment we broke up)

My very own
Words to the siren
Unaware of dark intentions in the deep
The ones that brought me
Deadly trees
Denting dreams
But dancing freely
Before the sun burns our feet
(Before the broken marry we)
For food
(For wheat)

Tucking in the dreams of us all
Is one and a dozen
In soup
Hoping that the last is the first before dusk
and the first before you're up

Forever sung
In a pond
In the sun