

That Dark and Tragic Place!!!!!
Inside your head you’re lost in all that dark!
These struggles are certainly making their mark!
Looking for a little of that hope to light your spark!

It’s been said that the bark is worse than the bite!
What’s wrong and what’s right?
If you could only give me a little of that glorious light!
Often been ready to give up the fight!

Tired of the trouble sleeping at night!
The nightmarish dreams wanting me to die of fright!
It’s truly a horrifying sight!

The demons that you battle hate you out of spite!
Only wishing to sleep well on this night!
Never knowing if you’re going to be alright!

Like you’re living constantly in the mode of fight or flight!
You’re sure you’ll be battling those demons again tonight!
Can’t lay down and give up must stand upright!

In you negative thoughts and feelings those demons will incite!
They’re like a wicked little sprite!
These demons your soul they to hell they wish to indict!

Must not give up trying with all of your might!
Must keep fighting no matter what despite!
Feel that love surrounding you that light growing more bright!

Try to feel his wonderful grace!
These demons will be all up in your face!
For your soul it’s a battle, a race!

Don’t be gone and disappear without a trace!
You must remember you’re someone they can’t replace!
Choose the love and light to embrace!

Who you can be these demons want to try to erase!
They’ll do everything in their power to make you feel like a disgrace!
Up their sleeves they feel like they have an ace!

Your heart and soul and mind they’ll try to deface!
Those steps that helped you then you must retrace!
With those who care about you please touch base!

Believe me it’s no fun when you’re lost in that dark and tragic place!

© BDawg90