

Why the Highest Matters to Us All
God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, is the Highest of all;
and what we see as the highest regulates the best we think to be.
If we see Him as oppressive, the greatest that we will think we should respond would be oppressive; but if we think Him to be pure, tried, and true love, then our approach to attain would have us to be changed.
So, it is a very vital thing how we view our God, for the best we can be is as best as we can think about the Highest of us all.
Nevertheless, we must clear out paths from imagination, turning our focus on what really is in ultimate reality of Who He is, finding out Who really God is from Him, Himself; as repentance of all the other ways we have thought about Him must be made, clinging unto the reality of His presence, clarifying Who He really is with much prayer unto Him and meditation of His words of promise, we know as the Bible.
As our heart cries out: Who are You, oh Lord, how can I know You, and what must I do to be in a right relationship with You?
And as He is the Highest of all love, the purest of all kindness, and the gracious of all goodwill He shall have been waiting for those words all of our lives.
Know that His love is how He responds, but how we see His love is how we think we should respond and allow Him to live through us; so, let us take great measures to purify our vision of Who He is, by asking Him to respond in His love, seeking to know Him more, and responding to our best ability in His love. God's blessing lil1s.
© Brother Stephen Scottt