

This couldn't be love
Dear Rosalinda
I gave you my all
Knowing I, no longer have a heart.
You got me attached.
Knowing it won't last a touch.
You knew I couldn't cry.
For that is a man's worth.
You kept pushing me to the flanks.
Broke me to my lowest ranks.
I gave you more.
Though you gave me less.
I loved you to the core.
Yet you saw me as your curse.

I want to stop.
But you got me too attached.
I also want to be on the core.
Yet your heart belongs to four.
I never thought I could fall.
But this trip was from my own call.
Heart to heart, you don't deserve me.
Days to days, you kept me on reserve.
Back to back, I always got you.
End to end, I wish to put this to bed.
Strength of a woman, I can't embrace this.

©Mohammed Fauzan
© fauzy