

A New Eden
Mornin', angel.
You look beautiful today;
I know it's true
without laying my eyes on you.

If I could look into your eyes,
I would apologize
for being me
and then say, "You're welcome."

I'm sorry for not being more understanding,
and for the assumptions I've made,
because you're not somebody
that I used to know.

You're welcome
for every smile I've ever given you,
for the happiness yet to come,
for being your escape,
and for being your chance to escape.

Your life has been a dutiful one,
driven by guilt and obligation.
You have no duty to me
nor I to you
and that will never change.
I wouldn't have it any other way.

You won't live your life for me
and I won't live mine for you.
I won't have it.
If I had my way, you would live your life
with me
and I would live mine
with you.
We would live life together
and it would be ours.

My only expectations of you would be:
1. Be honest with me and with yourself.
2. Be yourself.
That's all I could ever want.
Duty and guilt have no place between us.

I'm here by your side because
I want to be.
Not because you need me to be.
I wish to see you in better health
and to help you heal,
not due to a sense of obligation,
but out of sheer adoration.

I'll make you an offer
that won't expire anytime soon:
Take my hand.
Show me your favorite place.
Place your heart in my palm.
Receive mine in exchange.
Tell me that you love me
so I can tell you the same.
And make me yours
and I will label my body as such
like a gold star
for being a good girl.

You will have the power
to crush the mountains
and move the earth.
Come with me and I'll take you to a world beyond this one.

This world will become the next
and the world will be ours.

© Little Devil