

my being
In the abyss of my being, longing overflows,
The flame of hope burns in my chest,
But the love I long for seems so far away,
like the stars in an unattainable sky.

My words are tears in the night,
my verses are sighs lost in the wind,
I search in the darkness for the light to guide me,
but I only find shadows that torment me.

Oh cursed heart, condemned to eternal search,
In the prison of my own loneliness it consumes me,
longing for a love that escapes through my fingers,
like sand that slides uncontrollably.

In each stanza, the agony is present,
pain and despair intertwine,
and my voice is lost in an echo without response,
in the tragic symphony of a broken heart.

Will longing be my eternal condemnation?
Will I continue searching in vain for what I will never have?
In my dramatic poem, the truth is revealed,
I am a sailor lost in a sea of broken illusions.

dragonfly 🦋
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