

Oh heart, insatiable and thirsty,
You long for what is out of your reach,
you sigh for a love that you don't know if it exists,
and in your verses, pain and hope are intertwined.

You look for the sun in the middle of the dark night,
You long for calm in the raging storm,
Your voice rises in a heartbreaking cry,
asking for the love that never comes, the love that you need.

The pain is hidden in your tangled words,
melancholy sneaks into every verse,
and in your chest beats the ineffable longing,
to achieve what always eludes you.

Oh heart, eternal seeker of utopias,
in your tireless search you consume yourself,
silently longing for what will never be yours,
and in your dramatic poetry, you reveal your anguish and your desire.

In your verses, longing becomes tragedy,
and your voice resonates in the void of the night,
because you know that you will never achieve what you want,
but still, you continue to long in your eternal loneliness.

Dragonfly 🦋
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