

My sun has sunk, my day has done.
My sun has sunk, my day has done,
In sorrow's embrace, I am undone.

With heavy heart and tearful eyes,
I lament beneath the starlit skies.

Each passing moment, a painful refrain,
A melody of sorrow, a mournful strain.

The moon weeps silently, in sympathy,
As I drown in this sea of melancholy.

The world around me, shrouded in gray,
Lost in the depths of a somber display.

Whispers of sadness fill the air,
Aching echoes of a heart in despair.

Oh, how I long for brighter days,
To chase away these clouds of haze.

But for now, I dwell in this mournful tune, Lost in the depths of a sorrowful moon.

Yet amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope,
A gentle reminder to help me cope.

For even in sadness, there's beauty to find,
A silver lining, a light that's kind.

So I'll hold onto that flicker of light,
As I navigate through this endless night.

And though my heart may weep and sigh,
I'll find solace in the tears I cry.

My sun has sunk, my day has done,
But within me, a strength has begun.

For in the depths of sorrow's embrace, I find the courage to seek a better place.
© Saqib Sarwar Mir