

Radha Krishna
In the land of Vrindavan where love is divine,
Resides Radha Krishna an enternal twine.
Their leelas and enchanting tales unfold,
Filling hearts with devotion a sight to behold .

Radha the epitome of love and grace,
Captures Krishna's heart in an celestial embrace.
Her image resides in every Gopi's heart,
Igniting a fire of love a divine art.

Krishna the enchanting flute player,
Mesmerize all with his melodious layer.
His love for Radha knows no end,
A bond that the Universe can not comprehend.

Together they dance in moonlit light,
Their love shining bright a celestial sight.
Radha Krishna's love story a timeless treasures,
Spreading love and joy beyond measures.

#Vani Vias ( Vanas Creations)#