

Till we hold cane
Reaching out to soothe the soul's voice
Which has your name told,
Having collection of narratives in my head
About being us blended together for eternity.
Widened smile that slips in
When I think of memories we made till date.
Brightened feeling which kicks in
When we're together.
Love the way you act many roles to make me laugh,
I might consider writing a book to describe your care.
You calm the soul giving more soothe,
Letting to fade all of my bruises and deep cuts.
Slipping off the edges of past
Being sure you hold me and let us to a new start.
I wonder how could it be when we turn grey,
Will us be the same I asked,
Shouldn't we help ourselves to hold our walking canes he said.

© RR
Bg credits( Freepic)
#wemeetagain #lovingyou