

True nature of reality
When the human inquired
about the ultimate powers
perception of truth,
he was informed that
he lacked the capacity
to comprehend it
due to his inherent human nature.

Despite this limitation,
the human yearned for understanding
and, consequently, then
the divine entity unveiled the truth to him.

As a result, the human still remains
unable to perceive anything,
even after having witnessed
the entirety of existence.

The outcome is such that
the human lacks the competence
to assume the divine role
as he is only well-versed
in human attributes and mortality,
which significantly differ from divinity, perpetually setting them apart."

There exists a multitude of viewpoints,
an overwhelming number of individuals,
an abundance of observations to make,
and an extraordinary amount
of information to understand.

After careful contemplation,
saints have come to acknowledge
that comprehending the complexities
of our world is not a straightforward task.

While grappling with
the thorough comprehension
of the intrinsic essence of the world"
important is the Understanding
that there is no definitive truth.

There exist contrasting perspectives
within the context of a singular discourse.
where all aspects ultimately converge
into two oppsing arguments
repeatedly echoing until the eternity
being the opposite side of the same coin
© PradnyaBhide

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