

Essence of Me
In the heart of the forest where shadows play,
Where the whispering leaves in the wind softly sway,
I walk through the emerald embrace of the trees,
Where the scent of the earth drifts on every breeze.

The sunlight filters through the canopy's lace,
Painting gold patterns on my upturned face.
Birdsongs weave melodies in the crisp, clean air,
As I breathe in the peace that is everywhere.

The babbling brook sings a song just for me,
Its waters as clear as the dreams I set free.
I sit on a stone by the river's soft flow,
And let nature's symphony soothe my soul.

The mountains stand tall, ancient guardians of time,
Their silent wisdom like an old, sacred rhyme.
I climb their heights, feeling small yet so grand,
Touching the sky with an outstretched hand.

In the heart of the wild, I find my true place,
A harmony between nature and my own pace.
The earth, the sky, the river, the tree,
All blend together in the essence of me.
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