

Nothando ( You Have Love)
My name is Nothando
But everybody calls me Thando
Love for short
Short like the brief lifespan of my life
When i experienced uthando
I personify the time by giving it life
Because it breathed life into my life
When i felt free, safe, and valued
Because i felt uthando
I felt it, i lived it, i was it
I was Nothando,
But not anymore
Everybody calls me Thando
Mocking me, calling me by it's name
The one thing i couldn't have,
Or had but couldn't keep,
Or kept but was robbed of
You stole it from me
It turned into a thing when it died,
shriveled and lifeless like a corpse
But im still alive,ironically
Because it used to corse through my veins
Nothando with no thando
A walking juxtaposition
You put me in this position

I am so sorry i let them in Nothando
You deserve to be loved
I thought the pills would work
The doctor said so
But you lost the case so now you're
convicted to life in limbo
Constantly seeking a way out, a ledge
Because i let depression take your love away
And push you to the edge

I was Nothando
But not anymore.
© Melodious