

~{Falling in love with a lesbian
and being transgender men
is like the worst pain I've ever felt.}~

And you know what also hurts like hell?
Falling in love with a straight guy
Being transgender men.
He gives you so much attention you need
You cry on his shoulder and tell him how shitty your mom is
He hugs you like there's no tomorrow
But it's not gonna be anything more.

Why falling in love is not something light, beautiful, cute and all
Like a butterfly
Why is it like
Being murdered and having your guts ripped out
With no hope for being saved,
For anything more

hii, don't know if you can tell but the first quote is from my other poem (posted on my profile as "I want you, You don't want me."). I'm not sure yet if it's love or infatuation, but those feelings are fucking wild ngl

also, I think im getting slowly getting better :DD

#poem #poems #love #heartbreak #mlm #wlw #trans #transgender #lgbt #poetry

© a_lynwood