

The world at times is oppressive ,
how I wish to vent my frustrations but am naive
too young to understand, they say.
For I know not perseverance is the way.
Influenced by examples and improvements,
yet the wisdom of the economy I do not see at these moments.
Bit by bit I follow in patience,
however I see it more as penance.
What are my duties and obligations in this earth?
for even with the pleasure of working I do not feel my worth.
There is success in perseverance,
but with the value of time it's like ignorance.
Should I dance to the moves that are macabre
they'll say I had eyes that couldn't see .
There's also improvement on talent,
but I have seen that not work with my government.
To any player
there is the power of prayer,
and also the power of kindness,
but often they see it as a weakness.
To tolerate my ambience,
I seek God's presence.
© Bradley