

Inside the darkness of a womb, a life was creating
Spreading its fragrance in the air a flower was blooming
Squealing with a joy a larva spreads it's wings
Unknown of the depth of sky it starts to sings
Some called it a kiss of sunshine some called it a trail of raindrops
Leaving footprints wherever it goes enlighting like a Petrichor
Living in the juvenile phase he thought of an expansion of sky
Unaware of predator dreaming of when he will fly
Some dreams he stitch some promises he made
A cocoon he breaks and some bars getting fade
And when the time has come to leave being juvenile and be an adult
What looked like a beautiful metamorphosis takes a brutual turn
Some dreams gets faint some promises becomes fragile
All pieces can get together if only the soul is ready to revive
Somedays he wondered what if lessons will be taught before the tragedy
What if we can hear the inner voices of others or their agony
What if the shattering of heart could be as loud as the pain is
What if we too can go on a dormant phase or leave our heart on cease
It wondered about those heart who love selflessly but never received a trace of it
In the universe of chaotic minds it becomes hard to even breathe
What if the universe's law can be applied in his life as well
And the love can be receive the way we have sell
He used to inhale the words and lived in poems believing people are home
Unaware of that this is a floating world where matter can only transform
Those walls of cocoon he broke once are nothing compared to the one in his mind
And the universe whispers in his heart are you gonna break it or still looking for my sign
© swaleha shaikh