

My Vision For India 2047!
What does India actually mean, the farmer asked.
The soil with rich fertility and equipments free for farming with low taxes and most importantly a perished form of debt. A beautiful greeting of salute for those who provided me the bread which is why I'm alive and writing this. This is India!
And what is the meaning of India, the doctor asked.
Where the medicine of life gives life a life. And healthy citizens by providing free healthcares for all by keeping cleaniness and sanitary issues in mind. This way is India!
How do I define India, the teacher asked.
Where the window of literacy blows a wind of knowledge. Free schooling and compulsory for all, as an educated nation builds strong pillars. And a special attention towards our dear teachers as this profession leads to every profession. Such is India!
Explanation of india? The student asked.
Every feild of talent and every choice of career with no talent going to the bin and no person's going to be the thief. A proper counsellor like a dear friend and trainings of self defence on top of it. This is India!
Describe me India, a mother asked.
Where you have the right to call yourself a working one, be it of kitchen. The most beautiful creation of God and the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind - Mother. This way is India!
Tell me about India, the writer asked.
Where you get the words rolled in the red carpet of soil. Where the giggling of water reads a prose in secret. Where the scent of roses weaves threads of letters and the every next wave of shore leaves a stamp of utterance. This is India!
India's value? The singer asked.
Where the rhythm of music is produced in the construction of houses, and the music of songs is produced in the beepings of traffic. Such is the music of India!
How is India, asked the pilot.
Where the paths in the clouds of sky is made by the pollution of factories and industries. And the eagle of seldom leads you the way in the mist, It is India!
Speak of India, the policemen asked.
Where every crime is it's own justice, and every thief haves a good character like the rocks possess minerals deep inside. This is India!
Talk on India, the engineer asked.
Where the iron of object has made it's own patterns and the land already has the map of the monument from the day it was born. Such is India!
Tell about India, asked the speaker.
When you get rid of your life, you live in your lips.The beautiful tongue of harmony creates lovely melody of nature. The words of Indian nomenclature touches the heart and relieves the soul. So is the speed of Indian alphabet.
What is India, the citizen asked!
"The multicolored land
The medicine of life
The window of literacy
The lips of mankind
The warmth of mother's lap The carpet of words
The rhythm of melody
The captain of right paths The letters of harmony
The solace of soul"
This is what I believe my country to be!
© Masha