

You have always been giving money to the poor when they come to you.Have you ever thought your mind why we give money?You think that you give money and from That he can take away his grief by purchasing food something with this money.Yes, there is nothing wrong in this. But do you ever see, it rains so much, so much heat. How many infections and insects bite and itchings come to their feet. Have you ever thought once in your mind that by giving them an old slipper? We can protect them from muds and different infections who starts with feet

We all have umbrellas in the rain, but poor people, they don't even have a cover to themselves, have you ever thought of giving them an umbrella?

If we give them an old umbrella or an old raincoat, then maybe they can protect themselves and their children from coughing up a cold fever, due to which they will not have to spend a lot of money.

It was raining heavily yesterday. I thought let's go to the window and see road and enjoy the weather. When I noticed, I saw an uncle and his daughter going. Those people were sitting on the cart. He had his daughter covered with a plastic bag, but he himself have no protection . They did not even have slippers. His feet felt very dirty things. Like you would say, you mud ans much more include. I was very scared that Uncle does not even have money. This is what he was looking for to cure himself. Many people were going by his side but not a single one helped him. Yes, I can believe it. Probably because of Corona, but I have seen many times coming from my college that it is so hot. Everyone may have something or the other so that they can help those poor, but no one helps them

Don't know why God made a thing called poverty. Why not make everyone the same?

If this goes on like this then poor people will become very much in this world.

I want to If you ever see a poor person on any road, if you have something to eat, then please give it to them because maybe they will saves some money with them.

please please