

lovers Chase
In the dance of hearts, a silent art,
Where souls entwine, a love's sweet start.
Through whispered words and glances deep,
We fall in love, emotions leap.

A tender touch, a gentle sigh,
Underneath the starlit sky.
In laughter shared, and tears embraced,
Love's symphony, forever traced.

Through highs and lows, a journey bound,
Two spirits lost, then love is found.
In flaws and strengths, a perfect blend,
A timeless tale, on hearts we depend.

For love, a force both fierce and kind,
A binding thread that weaves through time.
In every beat, a rhythmic grace,
We fall in love, a sweet embrace.

That never loses chase...the taste...of love
Bounded by time. We lose in rhymes and rhythms when we can't find our system of love
When two hearts fall together but inevitable
We lose touch with each other because our system is not together. Love such a sweet embrace, but it has a poisonous taste.

when two halves of the Same Soul lose the path when our hearts are not in sync, Don't Blink don't think, love is Everlasting when you understand the path you walk. in the dance of Timeless ages, love rages to the galaxies and through our souls, so find your path.

don't lose that embrace with that chase that takes you to the wrong place. true love is in the heart, and the soul looks deep within the eyes. Now you find your true sky, that is the true lovers embrace.
© @David_vs_a_word