

Still Trying
I never imagined it would be this difficult when I decided to do my stuff. I was aware that it would be challenging, but this is seriously killing my life.Ahh!!!Uhg!!!
I recall the first step I took, and it is dreadful even now. My ideas are still in the works, but I am not exhausted. I did my best to acquire what I wanted, knowing that it would take more time. I have made numerous attempts, each of which ended in terrible failure. My hopes and feelings are fading, but my intuition is still strong. It sort of stinks inside of me that everyone around me is at their best and I am not. "I have to do it" is how I define my aims. If I am incorrect—which I might have been before—it does not matter. ^
I was on a voyage where I failed, yet I persisted in trying patiently. I likewise had a period of success with the first step, but the subsequent levels were really difficult. I came very close to failing, but I persisted. I was striving so hard that I was on the verge of success, but when the situation was in the hands of someone else, I failed. The inner me is currently striving to break free. I have changed my path but not my destination. I wasted two years doing things the incorrect way, and it will take another year to fix it. The war is inside me for me.
"I will ascend and become radiant like
Sunshine, although not as moonlike as some others."
Tough is more than just a term; it is a part of us. Embrace your toughness 💪🏻🪨 and carry out your tasks. Occasionally, following the flow might temporarily elevate your mood, but it also requires you to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings.Our inner eyes are just as important as our external, physical eyes 👀.I will not give up on this endeavor. 💗 We create destiny; it is not something we attempt or accomplish. ....

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