

The 3 kinds of old friends
“There is no friend like an old friend who has shared our morning days, no greeting like his welcome, no homage like his praise.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Friends who know you well are the ones you often become the most comfortable with. Develop great friendships while climbing the ladder of life.

Great memories of old friendships become our shields against relational storms in future friendships. There are three old friends whose presence become very remarkable in our lives.

1) CHILDHOOD friends.
Old friends from our childhood hold a special place in our hearts. They knew us when we were as naive as anybody. When we didn't understand ourselves, they understood us and bonded with us.

It's awesome when you have a great memory of God as your old friend from your childhood. It fosters your strong bond with Him.

2) COLLEGE or school friends.
Having old friends from school is one of the greatest privileges of life. They unlock great doors for you, and become one of the foundations on which you build your life.

"In my early years, the friendship of God was felt in my home." (Job 29:4). Never ignore an opportunity to form a great friendship with God. He will become the greatest old friend to rely on when trouble comes.

3) CAREER or professional friends.
Those who become your old friends from your job or places you work, will become connections for your children tomorrow.

Seize golden opportunities to make friends and become an old friend to somebody. You'll need them years to come.