

Welcome to high school- Chapter 12
Chapter 12- School dance

“.... positive!” I let out a sigh of relief. “Mom! Your face scared us then.” I said as I giggled. If I found out that Junior wasn't my brother, the bond we built from the first time we met wasn't going to be the same. I felt dumb because my mind is finally at peace and I was angry at Junior for absolutely no reason.

Junior hugged mom tight and I joined in the cuddling too. “If only dad was here.” I said painfully and started crying. “Don't cry Harley, I'm actually the one that's supposed to cry because I was far away from him for years. When I thought I could meet my complete family again, I find out that dad is dead.” I knew how he felt. It was sad seeing him cry.

“Please my children don't cry. It is hard, all the finances. I miss my Ricky, but I am not crying.” My mom said as she cleaned the tears from Junior and I face with her hands.

“Mom I'm still miss him alot.” I said.

“I know but we have to move on. Don't kill me but you guys know that I will never love anyone.” My mom said.

“Mom! Stop saying that. Maybe you will find another person. Maybe not as our father but your friend, companion. You can always find new love but always keep in mind that you can never forget about him.” I sat beside her on the couch.

“True, no one can be like dad but at least find someone.” Junior raised his eyebrows.

“You children are special. Some kids wouldn't care about their parents happiness. I promise if it's possible I find someone, they won't replace Ricky.” She had a smile on her face.

“ Of course. I even want another male in this house that is nothing like Junior.” I said as I playfully hit him on the arm. “Why did you do that?” I knew he wasn't in pain.

I heard a buzz from a phone nearest to me. I wanted to pick it up but mom took it instead. “Goodnight. I love you.” She read the message out loud with a smile facing Junior. “My oh my Junior. You have a girlfriend?” Junior turned red from embarrassment.

“Your are so blushing right now.” I shouted at the top of my voice laughing.

“What's her name.” Mom said still with that smile on her face.

“Lizzy. Beautiful, smart, witty minded everything everything.” I said before Junior could say anything.

“Stop it!” Junior whined.

“Can i see the future Mrs. Hart.” Mom said.

“Of course check my phone.” She went to the gallery and I stretched my head to see his phone. Man I saw billions of Lizzy on his phone. “Is this her.” She turned the phone to let Junior see. “Yes.” He blushed again.

“Beautiful girl.” Mom said and she was right.

“Better than that Regina who wears loads of makeup and even children calls her ugly.” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“That's not true.” Junior said.

“Are you in love with her now.”

“Of course not Lizzy but she is also beautiful well in her own cunny and malicious way.” Junior said.

“What about you Harley? Any person? Have you forgiven that Henry yet or you are still holding grudges.” Mom asked me.

“Hah, I have homework and study for my test.” And that's how I avoided the questions from my mom. I just ran back inside. I couldn't stop but to think about Henry. When I imagined Henry, I would always see Liv with him getting close to him and that hurt me. After the hangout, the likeness turned to love. I never felt like that with anyone. Even till the next morning, I couldn't help but think about him.

“Hey Harley. I would like to talk to you.” Henry said at school.

“What do you want? Please leave me alone.” I replied.

“Would you like to go to the dance with me.” I was so surprised and happy but even though I was in love with him, I couldn't forgive him for dating Liv. Anytime Liv insults me, he would keep quiet like a dummie. Even for dating Liv for a foolish reason was enough for me to avoid him. “Me? Seriously?” I said.

“Yeah of course.” He was stiil looking at me as if he wanted to say more.

“And be my homecoming queen.”

“What? Go and ask Liv, she’s your girlfriend right?” I said and walked away.

“ What the hell is going on here. In case you are blind Bae, I'm right here.” Liv said with her group of girls, and yes, including June.

“This girl isn't your class.” She gave me a scornful look.

“I might not live in a duplex or use iPhone but I'm not worthless.” I defended myself.

“I dare you to a fight of the crown.” She said.

“I'm not going to do that.” I replied.

“Unless you're scared.” She said with a smirk on his face. “If I get to be the homecoming queen, you will have to stay away from June and Henry, don't ever talk to them again. And you will have to do something to humiliate yourself in front of the whole school.” Liv said.

“I accept it. If I win you will have to leave Heritage high, forever.” I said. June was nodding her head aggressivly telling me to stop.



And that's the end of my life. I didn't know I would win the bet. “Junior do you think I would win the bet.” I said when we got home.

“Of course you will win it. Your beautiful and smart.” Lizzy said. It was actually weird not seeing her without her glasses.” Lizzy you aren't wearing glasses!” I screamed.

“Well she looks pretty without glasses.” Junior said as he gave a kiss on her cheek.

“I'm just surprised. Why didn't you wear your glasses?” I asked.

“I have started to see clearly a little bit without glasses after so many years.” She was happy.

“But I will still miss your glasses any way.”

“I also miss it. You look cute with it.” Junior said.

“Don't worry you will get used to this new face either way. Harley I came here because you told me to not because of this dummie.” She giggled and playfully hit Junior.

“OK I called you here because I need some girl help.” I remembered June. She always had that I know I'm guilty, my hands are tied kind of look but I didn't want to still speak to her.

“Help with what.” Junior asked me.

“If you want to stay here, you better keep quiet. You are only here because she's your sister.” Lizzy said.

“Whatever.” Junior said and rolled his eyes which made Lizzy laugh. I had to hold my laughter because I know that he would kill me.

“I need your help with being the homecoming queen. Campaigning starts tomorrow along with the speech that would determine if people like me or not.”

“I will help you. But don't let all the popularity get into your head.”

“Why should people vote for Liv. Being the homecoming queen isn't just wearing the crown and to look pretty in our school. You will rule this students.” The announcer said.

“I am a girl of class unlike some people here.” Liv said and stared at me. “And I'm pretty, smart, people love me.” She said.

“What about you Harley.” Everyone in the hall was staring at me.

“I might not be rich but I would never look at someone because they are a pauper. I might not look beautiful in some people’s eyes but I won't treat you badly. I promise all of you.” I spoke with confidence.

When all the questions were done and dusted, I went to Junior and Lizzy for a hug. “Seriously do you think that you can beat me.” Liv said.

“Dont try me Harley, being the school queen is not so easy.”

Competitions were tough. Henry and June were still hypnotized. I was having an hard time myself when two lovers reunite.

Aunt Maggie wanted to take Junior and I for an hangout. She instited to take us straight from school.

“Sir how on earth did I fail chemistry.” I said.

“Do I care? No.” Mr. Ben said with a smirk on his face.

“Guys let's go.”Aunt Maggie called out. She walked closer to us. “Aunt I want to tell you something. This man gave me of all people 33/100 in my test.”

“Why would he do that.”

“Why are you always trying to make life harder for us.”

“You want to know.” Mr. Ben said and suddenly tears came out of his face.

“Your dad is a wicked man. Maggie left me because he said so.” Mr. Ben said.

I couldn't believed it. “What no. I left you because you cheated on me.” Ain't Maggie said.

“I didn't cheat on you. Our marriage was the most important thing to me. Even when people said that the marriage wasn't going to work because you were richer, I didn't care. And you just left me all alone.”

“But Ashley said…”

“Whatever Ashley said is a lie. You didnt believe me. Will you come back to me again? Please.”

“What is happening here?”

“Its love Harley.” Junior said out of the blue.” I planned this when I found out about everything. They both just needed to talk things out.” Junior said.

“You both deserve an apology for everything I've done especially in school. And Harley don't worry I will return your grade back to the way it is.” Mr. Ben said to me.

“Now where is my sister in law. I also want to apologize to her.” And that was how I figured out another thing about my dad. I never imagined that Mr. Ben of all people could be my father's best friend. I was happy for uncle Ben and aunt Maggie, their wedding was done in a grand style. Even my mom met a guy online, he's great and I'm also happy for her. Everyone is happy with their own love story, I wondered why I fell in love if I could never get to be with Henry.
© Dairo