


Chapter 7 : New Work but LOST ❤️

"A week went by, and Shekhar threw himself into his new role, determined to prove himself to Mohini and make a name for himself in the criminal underworld. He worked tirelessly, completing task after task with precision and skill. And with each success, his confidence grew, as did his bank account. He bought a new apartment, a fancy car, and showered himself with luxuries he never thought possible. But amidst all the glamour and glory, a small part of him still yearned for Puja, for the life they had built together, and for the love they once shared. Little did he know, Puja was watching from the shadows, her heart heavy with sorrow and her mind reeling with questions."

"Shekhar's world came crashing down around him as the clerk's words pierced his soul like a dagger. 'No...no...no...' he muttered, his eyes wide with disbelief and horror. He felt like he'd been punched in the gut, his breath knocked out of him. Puja, his lovely Puja, gone? No, it couldn't be. He stumbled out of his office, his mind reeling with grief and shock. He raced to the building, his heart heavy with dread, and saw the smoldering ruins. The fire had consumed everything, leaving nothing but ashes and destruction in its wake. Shekhar's eyes scanned the crowd, hoping against hope that Puja had somehow escaped, but deep down, he knew the truth. His wife, his love, his everything was gone."

"Shekhar's eyes narrowed as he gazed at Mohini, her words echoing in his mind like a cold breeze. 'Life must go on?' he repeated, his voice laced with anger and sorrow. 'You can say that after what happened to Puja?' Mohini's expression was sympathetic, but her eyes gleamed with a calculating intensity. 'I know it's hard, Shekhar, but you have to move forward. And I can help you do that.' She paused, her voice dropping to a whisper. 'Meet me at the old warehouse where we first met. I have a proposition for you.' Shekhar's instincts screamed warning, but his grief and rage clouded his judgment. He nodded, his heart heavy with sorrow and his mind burning with a desire for revenge."

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