

The Cimitry
Heavy rain with thunder ⚡⛈️
night at a Church a person is running. he ran to a building and knock at the door at a hurry and tension.

father.. father.. he screamed....
soon a preast opened the door. the man said father there is a dead body on our garden..
father shocked.... who?? who is it.
its sister nancy.

father ; oh noo. what happened to her.

person; i dont know. think she poisoned herself.

The next day.

police ivestigating the crime scene.

police.. the body is sent to forensic lab we need to check in detail.

the report came.... poison was found in her stomach. that is the death cause. no trace of beating. maybe its a suicide.

the whole cemitry was shocked.

the news suddenly spread to the public..
after a week everything was silenced..
the whole cimetry was preparing for the farewell of the father Joseph who was tge incharge of this place

4 days before retirement function..

2 sisters were walking to their room.
suddenly in library they saw a sister laying on the table. they went to approach her. when they get closer they found white precipitate water in her mouth. they ran and informed the Father.

forensic report.. she also died eating poison.....

everyone was sad exept the hostel warden. Marcus his name . something was burning inside him. this is strange 2 death of same kind. there is a killer among us......

marcus informed it to the father. he dosent believed.. a killer no way..

but marcus dosent leave. at that night he called a meeting of all sisters in his hostel.he informed from today no one is going to leave their room at night. after dinner all should go to their room and sleep. do not open the door if someone knocked.. i think we all are in danger.

a killer maybe watching you without your permission. he or she maybe among us.. who is that.............

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