

Adore the life that you have been given.
People remember or they circulate a post or they have upload the status regarding their mother on Mother's day. As if there is no one else existed, we have cut off a particular day from the calendar and decorated it with the name, but the fact that. Each day that we have been granted by the creator Allah SWT there are only three days that existed in it, and it's all about how we manage to teach ourselves the lesson of valuing what or who deserves to get to be valued, so the three days that, I have mentioned, are. How you live with your parents and how you allow yourself to touch upon their contributions for the sake of your life and the third and the most precious, it's how you keep a pleasing and loving respect for them in your own heart. It's where you also understand the sense of belonging that how a girl lawfully and I mean under the law of Allah got the pleasure to become a mother and the boy who is her companion, he also turns into a father and you become their everlasting world. On the other side, this life has hard yards and a situation is perhaps awaiting to makes its arrival in your life. So adore the meaningful direction, if Allah has granted it to you in your life. Mother, Father, Husband or Wife. They are the makers of further relationships that we are to meet going forward, in short that we called the new generation or the generation that belongs to us as a family tree.