

The lost City Of Z (part-2)

One day a boy named Peter on his TV and on the news. The news was about the lost City of Z. Peter got interested in it. And phoned his Friend Roy. Peter said,"Roy did you see the news of the lost City". Roy said," Yes".

Peter said," I am very interested in these kind of adventures will find that mysterious city with me". Roy said," Ok but where will we find it". Peter said," You just tell to Lora I will ask my father". Roy said," Alright".

Peter asked," Dad are you aware of the lost City of Z". Dad said," Yeah your great grandfather knew about it; May be it's real or not but your great grandfather used to find out it's exact location but one day when he found out about it. He went in it's search but suddenly one poisonous snake bitted him and he Dead". Peter said,"Dad do you know great grandfather's house". Dad response,"Yes". Peter said," Can we go there father?". Dad said," Yes of course it's been along time we will go".

To be continued....