

Sexy Teasers (Lesbian Erotica) pt2
To say I was avoiding that book store like it was the Black Death was an understatement. It's been over a month and I refuse to even drive down that street now. At night when I'm in bed, it's all I can think about. Her, that woman, the image of her gyrating on her fingers, over took my actions. I was unaware that my hand had traveled down into my pants and started rubbing, thinking of her dark blue eyes, and relentless moans until...

"Aunty Em, what are you doing?" Jumping up I clutched my chest as my heart raged. What the fuck? When did he get here? Quickly removing my hand and cursing myself, for clearly not paying attention, I smiled.
"Nothing sweetie, Aunty had an itch." Nodding his head he looked around taking everything in. He's a very smart kid. He then looked me up and down, shaking his head.

"Are you wearing that?" Looking down I looked at my light blue faded skinny jeans and dark blue tank top. I looked ok. "Wearing this to what and what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Smiling sheepishly at me he tilted his head to the side.
"Dad’s book signing and release is today. Remember?" Dang it! That's today! Running into my room I threw on a dark gray silk blouse tucked into a tight skirt that stopped a little pass mid thigh. Running my fingers through my hair I walked back into the front. Putting on matching dark gray heels. I hadn’t even noticed my nephew was wearing a little suit. He's so cute! And I told him so, which made him blush.
"So where's this thing at again?" I asked as I grabbed my purse and car keys. "Aunty, really?... The book store. Book signing. Book store." Damn! Trying to keep from hyperventilating I took deep breaths. There's plenty of book stores. What are the odds? "O-oh, ok. Y-you better get home..."
"No, Aunty I want to ride with you." He followed me to the door. God I hope it's any other store.....

Sooo, no. No it wasn't. It was the same store that I've been intentionally avoiding. The fair sized book store was packed to the brim with excited readers. I never realized just how entirely popular boring this is! I love reading and information just as well as the next girl. But all they’re talking about is the crap books my brother writes… Not that it’s truly bad but oh my God! How can they not be tired of this, it’s predictable, its already happened, it’s nothing new. And frankly, though worded right, it's kind of pointless. Oh the fucking joy! Sitting back in a chair I closed my eyes. I'm so done. I just want to leave. It's been hours of nonstop talk about books. BOOKS!! And not just any books. But the same damn book! Groaning, I gently rubbed my temples.

"Em? Em!" Opening my eyes I looked at my brother. "huh?" He, like me had gray eyes. But his hair was more a dirty blonde. His nose sharp, and he sported a styled short beard.

"I want you to meet someone. Em this is Mesa. Mesa this in my little sister Emma" Shifting my eyes from him, I looked at Mesa and almost died. It was her. And she was sexy. She was wearing a tight black leather dress with spiked heels and a wicked smile. Her already sharp blue eyes, even sharper. Half of her black curls were pinned up in an elegant bun with a few ringlets falling down on the sides, and the rest cascading down her back. She stood taller then my brother by a few inches. She's so big, like a super model. Hell she puts me to shame.

Seeing my shocked expression she smiled and took a step closer to me. Taking my hand in hers. Her grip was strong, her hands warming my entire body. Causing a blush to rise and my skin to tingle. Yup, still sitting down, I am now cornered. "What a pleasure it is seeing you again Emma-Rose. We talked so briefly before, but your brother has told me much about you." He did what! Seductively she leaned in. Giving me full view of the swells of her breast. Oh my. My mouth ran dry, as my panties slowly grew wet. I feel betrayed, the idiot, telling this witch about me. Why doesn't he just hand me over on a silver plater, it'd be more convenient.

Trying not to breathe in her sweet smell of things I couldn't begin to describe. I gulped looking away nervously. Her thumb caressed the back of my hand. I glanced back at her, her eyes bore into my soul, locking me in their grasp. I found myself leaning towards her, almost unable to stop, almost not wanting to. I was getting closer to her red lips, her blue eyes that reminded me of dark waters,sinking into the unknown. Her smell drifted to me, filling my lungs and stealing my air. Everything faded away but her. Her. I could hear my heartbeat. Feel the blood rush in my veins. Forgetting about my brother who was watching. Everything fell away, except her. Breathing was hard, focusing on anything but her was impossible. She had a look in her eyes. Like a cat does once it's cornered it prey, a smile of victory on her full lips. So close, I could almost touch them.

Someone called her name, and she let go of my hand, releasing me from her grasp. The air rushed to my lungs as if I hadn't been breathing the entire time. She stood straight, winked at me, as if this incredibly odd encounter was not at all out of the norm. Then walked away, swaying her hips as she did so. No, something is not right with her! Not right with this! What the fuck just happened?.

I jumped out of my seat and ran out the doors. Starving for air that didn't carry her scent. Why is she even more beautiful the second time around? Sweating, I leaned against the brick wall, looking up at the dark sky. Like her eyes, I felt myself falling up, into the unknown. And it's terrifying... After several deep breaths and calming exercises of logic, I eventuallyncalmed down enough to walk in, deciding that I'm just acting weird, and non of that really happened. She probably thinks I'm strange or crazy. Regardless, I think I'll avoid her for the rest of the night... Then forever after that. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.

A few more hours ticked by as the last of my brother's fan's left. Between weird guys hitting on me, and the stress of earlier events, I was so ready to get the hell out of there. I swear it, I felt her watching me non-stop the entire time. I'm Straight. I like guys. They're assholes, and I'm getting tired of them. But I'm not gay... I mean yeah, I look at women. I notice their beauty, and the size of their decolletage and the way their hips swing. Their soft voices and smooth skin. Thier cunning eyes and how killer they look in red dresses. How sensual and sexual they can be at any given moment. That ache one feels when a woman stares at you from across the room, and you know that they like you far more then ever said. But that doesn't mean I'm instantly gay! That's not how that shit works. Women look at women, that's normal. So why the hell is her gaze turning me on? Why does my eyes search for her at every given chance? And why do I feel her immediately when she steps near me? Why does every guy in here handsome or not, pale next to her? As if she outshines them in every way. . . I am not gay!

My brother snapped me out of my daze. "Em, you ok? You've been acting strange today..." I turned towards him, ready to speak. He looked tired, his eyes a bit red. He spoke before I could. "Never mind, I'm sorry to ask you this but I have to pick Carrie up from the airport in..." He looked down at his watch. "Less then an hour and then I have to put Mike down for bed." Where is he going with this? "Could you stay and help clean?" Dammit!

"No, no and no" I stuck my chin out. He looked stressed. "Come on, please?" I stared at him. "I promise to make it up to you, but I could really use your help tonight sis." I sighed, and gave him a smile. "Sure, what else am I good for." His relieved smile mocked my dreading frown on the inside. With that, he picked up my sleeping nephew and left. Left me. Alone. With her. Alone. Please no.

So he is handing me over on a plater, you know, I hate when my sarcasm is turned into reality. It really, really sucks. Slowly I turned around and faced her. She was casually leaning against a bookshelf with a type of glint in her dark eyes. "So, we meet again." I took a small step back. Why'd he ask me to stay? This place is nearly spotless. Yeah, there's some trash here and there. Stale food that needs thrown away... But, I don't wanna be here. "You know, I was wondering who his sweet little sister, Emma Rose was. He talks often of you." Yeah, as his sacrificial offering I'm sure. She reached up, and pulled a single, long silvery blue hairpin out of the top of her hair. Causing her wild ringlets to fall all around her. I was lost for words, as I felt myself being drawn into her again. The only thing I could focus on were her plush lips and the ever growing wetness in my underwear. "I must say, in the many months I've known your brother, he failed to mention just how beautiful you were. And how curious." she smiled at me, her eyes ghosting down, then back up my body. Undressing me completely, and causing me to shiver. "I should go..." I took another step back. Hoping the exit wasn't far. Pushing herself off the bookshelf, she approached me with quick long steps. Man, she has some really nice legs. That's not gay, women notice these type of things about others women. It's natural.

"I'd rather you didn't." she whispered, closer to me then I thought. When the hell did she get so close? Damn her sexy distracting legs! I was stuck in a trance, I should be running away. To where, I don't really know, but far away from her. I leaned back and looked up into her eyes, they had this look in them. As if she could see right into the fiber of my being, something inside my stomach shifted. "Why have you been avoiding me?" Is she talking? Gawd, why does her voice sound like sex? "I- I haven't..." I tried to lie in the face of perfection. She smirked down at me, resting her chin between her thumb and pointer. Her fingers were long, elegant. I wonder... "You are not a very good lair. You should work on that."

Her hand softly brushing my cheek snapped me into reality. "What?" I was disoriented, lost to her. The way she held herself made me feel weak, both mentally and physically. Like I needed her to be strong for me. Her warm fingers brushed over my eyes, forcing me to close them. My nose, then my lips, I sighed into her hand when it again rested on my cheek. "Very good" she whispered. "Sweet Emma, always the pride of all who meet her. The pride of vain, like the veins that feed her. She walks on sunshine, yet dances in the dark. For the wicked envies, the joy of her heart. Her smile which blinds like the light of day. Is haunted by her dreams where her shadows play. And oh sweet Emma, if tears do fall. Many would blindly jump, to catch them all. But she will float, like a feather to the ocean. Drifting by, as they drown on her potion."

I stood, dumbfounded by her poem. Then I snapped in rage. "That's bullshit! You don't know me!" I shouted, smacking her hand away. Her lips twitched up into a smirk. "Oh really?" she said, taking a step towards me. I jumped back. "You make me out to be some kind of monster! You know nothing about me." I stuck my chin out, ready for a fight.

She only smiled and took another step my way. "oh Emma, I do not wish you harm. But the truth is what I speak." I glared at her. I know I'm somewhat spoiled, and have never been at the bottom of the food chain. But that damn poem makes it sound like I'm two faced. "Thats not true, I'm not that bad." I spoke, feeling the weight of her words... Her head leaned to the side. "The truth does fall, from strangers lips. Like a woman's kiss, or the sway of her hips. And all who listen, will find the truth. Unlike those who are just like you. They see and hear but don't know much. For they've captured the reversal of midas touch. Everything you think is real and fake. Fades away like sand on a lake. But listen not to a witches rhythm. We've only survived through fire and time. We don't know much besides surviving. And tricking little girls whose true self they are hiding."

"shut up! I do listen, I don't know you and you sure as hell don't know me! Just stop! I... I..." tears welded in my eyes as her steady gaze held me down. "I'm not like that..." but even as I spoke, uncertainty tickled the edges to the point of discomfort. I quickly wiped away the tears. Am I really that bad? I mean, I can't say that I'm innocent... But, Argh!

Her voice stilled me as she spoke. "You are. However, you are but the product of your upbringing Emma. They have treated you like the rot of a queen your entire life. You know no other way. But, if you'll allow me, I can show you a path unlike one you have ever imagined." I looked down, unsure of what to say or do. Wondering if her words, though hurtful, were honest. Am I rotten? I thought of my ex boyfriend, I currently have no sympathy over that disaster. My brother and nephew loves me. I am loved, but as my mind wondered, and past lovers and lost friends drifter forward. How I directed and controlled. Then managed to walk away when I wasn't pleased with the outcomes. Selfish, spoiled, self centered, heartless... All things people have called me, and more. That I quickly discounted over the years.

My chest ached, I never analyzed myself before. And this isn't exactly the first time I've been called out, but for some reason, her words weighed the heaviest. And forced me to confront myself. I slowly backed away, her words wrapping around me like tendrils of smoke. Locking my hands to my side. Again the feeling of suffocation enveloped me, and I can't even run! I stood, bound by the weight of her words alone. I should have ran out when I had the chance to. Because now she stood in front of me, her eyes blazing in swirls of dark blue, like murky waters without a seeable end. She stood, a small smile turned up the corner of her red lips. "You will not resist me this time, little one." Was all she said, causing my knees to weaken. All of my defenses fell from my lips in an unintelligible mumble. As I felt myself being pulled towards her.

In that moment, I forgot why I wanted to run. Why I was so hell bent on getting away from her. She makes my skin tingle all over my body, and it's fascinating. She makes me feel...different. Standing straight she turned around. "Follow me, I would like to show you something." Nodding dumbly, I followed her. The tendrils pulling me after, not letting me go. Guiding my way and soothing all my fears. Thinking of nothing but the growing hunger in my gut. This pressing attraction that I've never felt so strongly. I believe she is leading me to my doom, but try as I might, I just can't stop my legs from following her. I almost didn't want to stop. Her hips swayed with an air of power. They swished and rotated in a hypnotic way, making it extremely difficult to focus on anything but her.

I think I want her. It sound completely crazy and foreign, but nonetheless, possibly true. This beautiful witch is tempting me straight to the darkness I once feard. And she's right, I can't resist her. As haze filled my vision, and my heart beat felt light. She led me to the same wooden door. The door that have opened up unsealed possibilities. Only she didn't stop there. She continued towards another door to the side. And led me into a darkened room, lit only by candle light. I looked around confused. I hadn't notice this here before, but then again how do you notice anything with a woman like her humping her own fingers?

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