

Story (series): Small Garland of my mistakes (3rd episode- Admit Card )
Story (series): Small Garland of my mistakes (3rd episode- Admit Card )

In my life, I will talk about every flower of small garland of my mistakes, sometimes one by one, sometimes two or three together. These are just my own but may be true for many. When most of the people say that forgetfulness increases with age, but till now it is the opposite for me i.e. childhood forgetfulness is more.
Today while reminding this , it seems that my head was crazy when I was a child, else is it possible to forget or commit such mistake ! However when I have promised.I must have to say these . Today 3rd episode : admit card.

I sat matric exam( Madhyamik/ secondary) in 1980, written exam 80 in one subject, oral 20. Our seat was 14 km away in a small town, the junction of road and rail. It used to take about an hour by bus from our village, plus one and a half to two km walk or rickshaw. School has two campuses, one for boys and one for girls.
There was a temple of the famous Lady Tagore in the area near the boys campus (it still exists today), like a hill attached to it there was a municipal water tank, some houses, most interestingly, there was a neem tree, the leaves of which are sweet! In this campus we have oral exam, physics. Arrived much earlier as bus availability. Some devotee examinee entered the temple by climbing the hill, some went under the neem tree on the hill. Picking up the fallen leaves in my mouth and get out at once .
At that time pen, admit card fell from one's pocket. Everyone started checking their pockets, I saw that I didn't have the admit card. It is not fallen here, that is, I left it at home. But I got on the bus in the village and I said to everyone - have you all taken the admit card? What can be done now? In the meantime, the first bell rang at school. coming down soon Looking at our school dress, it seems that a gentleman said no to your exam, what are you doing here? We told the story of the neem leaf, he laughed and said that the leaf should be caught before it falls to the ground. But the hour is ticking, almost running, I don't have admit card on it so worried enough so couldn't check leaves oddity.
Start the test. As soon as my name called , I entered the room and said sir. He said -I can't take the exam without the admit card. But you can meet the head sir.
I laughed to myself when I saw his name on the board in front of the head sir's room. The name was very nice but the last name was strange. Kanthal (Jack fruit ) , although the word is very familiar but it was inconceivable to me at that time that it could be a surname .
However, I entered with fear and saw the gentleman I met on the hill.
I got a little bit of hope. After hearing everything, he said, is there an exam tomorrow? I say- biology sir. He said alright , before the start of biology, you will come here and show me the admit card, okay?
I didn't learn until how to convey thanks , just said 'ok sir' and passed the test to the physical science examiner with a signed note from him and was pain free.
I was thinking that maybe because the title is kanthal a soft fruit he is a soft-hearted person! Had it be Enchor( green jack) would have been strong minded and in that case no one could have stopped me from being compartmentalized in my ist Board exam (secondary) in my life.

18.06.2024 T (Original Bengali)
Writco: 21.06.2024.
© Don't KR