

The girl with the wall
There once was a girl that knew no pain. She lived as free as a small child. Then trust was broken and people started to leave. people she thought would never leave. She built a strong wall she added to it everyday. one day she was caught off guard and somebody climbed the wall. They hugged her and told her she could trust them, that they loved her. She was so happy she gave her love to them and she trusted them. Then as she turned her back they took out a knife. she fell to the ground and cried till her wall had grown even taller. She asked why would they climb the wall only to leave. She promised she would never let her guard down ever again. She cried as she sat alone on her side of the wall. Little did she know there was a person on the other side. This person wanted in the wall he climbed he beged he banged on the wall, She never let them in. So the person walked away he went to get wood. She thought "I knew they would leave." But what she didn't know was that he was building. He built a tall latter a latter tall enough for him to climb over. when he finally got over they looked at the girl and smiled. they went in for a hug, but she flinched and looked at their hands. They waited. The girl finally let them hug her. She watched his hands and finally she trusted again finally, she thought someone cared for her. They wanted to give the girl the world. they fell in love. But she still looks behind her back.